Our company is managing environmental care through various methods implemented in different aspects of agricultural trading. From farming to shipment delivery, we are very much focussed in improving efficiency and reducing waste. We have pre-set goals in-terms of Energy conservation, sustainability and pollution control during the activities we undertake for our business. Our focus is on short term and long term goals and is set for four major areas
As far as cultivation of any crops is concerned, we, along with the farmers, work carefully to adopt best practices in water usage. We suggest farmers to avoid any trial and error method regarding water usage as this would result in water wastage. The best season for crops to be grown and what measures are to be taken, are instructed to the farmers to produce maximum yield and prevent water scarcity.
We embrace the latest technology in order to tackle the pollution problem. As a socially responsible organisation, we are committed to reduce and prevent pollution in whatever areas we could. Chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides get into the groundwater and ends up in drinking water which we reduce by using natural fertilizers and pesticides as far as possible. Oil-free and toxin-free equipment which can cause health problems when they get into drinking water is also avoided to the maximum capability.
Organising waste management in agriculture results in less use of fertilizers for cultivation. Maximum re-usability is what we promote among the farmers, which will also help them to create a healthy environment for farm animals.
With the latest technology trends, energy conservation has become the central focus of agriculture. Using solar-powered systems for energy requirements is the primary option for the current agricultural scenario. Harvesting wind power and switching to clean energy instead of fossil fuels is also part of the climate change fight we are dealing with.